Thursday, June 2, 2011

OK, I've officially had it with Garmin. I'm so glad I was an early testing for their untested watch.

OK, So I emailed them regarding the fact that my Garmin 610 arrived back at their shop last Thursday, a week ago. So I guess that got the ball moving. I got this response, at first, from Garmin...

I will be happy to help you today. I have setup a Forerunner 610 to go out to you in today or tomorrow. Can you please send us the UPS tracking number. Your new order number is 31XXXXXX, the Forerunner 610 should arrive in 5-7 business days.
Please, contact us with any further questions.

Then I get this email also....

I will be happy to continue support.

The Forerunner 610 will not ship until June 22, 2011. This is due to being out of stock.

Please, contact us with any further questions.

 Are you freaking kidding me? I spend $399 on a watch that I will be without for over a month? Great customer service for an early user who found a bug with your watch....

Edit: In honor of what I'll be doing in the next month with regards to the speedy Garmin support service and my reviewing my new and improved Garmin 610, here's a video of a cricket chirping...

It actually kind of neat...

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